1. Release of Witness Statement - Update #1
2. Transcript of Witness Statement now available
3. Version of Witness Statement now available with captions
4. Witness Statement now also released in 9 parts
5. What’s next?
1. Release of Witness Statement - Update #1
Witness Statement has been shared widely around the world, including being endorsed and publicised by medical experts and politicians who appear in the film.
This includes Prof Ian Brighthope, Dr Phillip Altman, Dr David Martin, Dr Peter McCullough and Senator Malcolm Roberts.
See their comments below.
Witness Statement - Update #1 below, provides an update on actions taken since the film's release, including:
Details of emails sent to elected representatives Australia-wide
The personal plea by Debra Leigh included with Witness Statement, sent to elected representatives.
Suggestions of how Australians may request action be taken by their elected representatives
The video also includes both councillor and politician letter templates, which may be used as a guide to preparing personal letters, for those wishing to take follow up action.
Link to Witness Statement - Update #1
2. A full transcript of Witness Statement is now available at the link below.
3. A version of Witness Statement is now available with captions.
We have made this version available for those with hearing loss, or who wish to watch the film in a quiet setting with the volume turned down.
To view, click on image below.
4. Witness Statement is now also available in 9 separate parts.
For ease of viewing and sharing, we have separated each part of the full length film into 9 separate short films.
Click on the links below to access the videos and transcripts of each part.
5. What’s next?
In the next Witness Statement Update, we will report on the data collected from the emails sent to the Police Commissioners, Federal Attorney General and all elected representatives at the federal, state and local levels.
We will share statistics of the number of responses (no names will be publicised) to help Australians determine how important this issue is to the Police, Federal Attorney General and elected representatives in Australia.
Thank you for the BRILLIANT INFORMATIVE ACCURATE Witness Statement -1 January 2025 superb presentation of the TRUE FACTS, DATA, and INJURIES from the Covid ongoing CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY in this 2 1/2 hr video. I congratulate everyone involved - it encompasses every aspect of what we the Unvaxxed and Informed knew from the word go but were silenced on every level from Government, Health Dpts. and most of all LONG time friends who labelled us NUTTERS and everthing else degrogatory they could think of. Thank you thank you and it will be interesting to see reactions from Police and Attorney General
sincerely, Elisabeth Longhurst.